philips avent breastfeedinG guide

A confidence boost for mums-to-be


Breastfeeding is one of those things that feels like it should come naturally, but doesn’t always go smoothly. Philips Avent wanted to reassure first-time mums that help is always there. Together with a GP, I created a breastfeeding guide that boosts your confidence by teaching you all the essentials about breastfeeding, and tells you where to go if you need help.


  • Communication messaging

  • Storyline development

  • Expert interviews

  • Editorial writing

how i helped

reassure first-time mums about breastfeeding


Together with a lactation consultant, I created a chapter outline for the book that was structured like a conversation you’d have with a GP. If you knew nothing at all about breastfeeding, how would a GP or lactation consultant explain it to you? What would you say first? And what then?

the other story

This stage was also an opportunity to make sure the book interweaved a bigger idea that is central to Philips Avent. If the goal is to help parents enjoy more precious moments with their baby, how would we do that in each chapter?


Once we’d locked in the structure, it was time to take the next step: details. I interviewed the GP and lactation consultant to get all the facts about breastfeeding straight and define the key points for each chapter.


Facts, structure and key messages in place, I then wrote the text for the book, checking in with the GP and lactation consultant if need be.


The final parts of any project are always a bit fiddly. Is this correct? How could we say it better? Does it make more sense if we don’t include this bit? And how does it look in a layout on the page? I worked with a designer, GP and marketing team to make sure everything was just right.